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18 DIY Backyard Games That Kids and Adults Will Enjoy


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Jane Baldwin


Let’s explore some creative backyard games that don’t need a single watt of power. These games are perfect for off-grid enthusiasts and preparedness-minded families alike. They are also great options for those that are just looking to get off the devices and enjoy some quality family time. This is not jus about playing games either, part of the fun will be the DIY of building the game pieces together! 

Get ready to rediscover the joy of analog entertainment. No batteries required, just good old-fashioned fun. So step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let’s play!

1. DIY Skeeball

diy skeeball backyard game

Cut down some PVC pipe or wide carboard tubes and paint them. Place numbers on the inside to designate the points and push the tubes into the grass to help them stand. We actually used a thin rope to secure all the tubes together to ensure they did not fall over. Golf balls are the perfect “skeeball” option to throw into the tubes.

2. DIY Dice Games

tosso dice game

Play any of your favorite dice games with a set of giant dice. You can buy them online, but you can also make them out of carboard, styrafoam (last resort though since it is not eco-friendly), or wood if you are handy. Cute into cubes add some dots and you have some family fun. 

3. Giant DIY Backyard Kerplunk

diy backyard kerplunk

Kerplunk is a fun game for kids of all ages. It is challenging and really works those brain muscles. This easy to make game features chicken wire molded into a circular tube shape. Add some dowels at the base and fill the top with balls of your choice and let the fun begin. You do want to raise it a bit to allow the balls to drop! 

4. DIY Backyard Toss

diy backyard toss game

Another take on a toss to target game – this upcycled setup is easy to put together. Find a few sturdy tree branches and string up some tin cans and you have a fun game at little to no cost. 

5. Garden tic tac toe

diy garden tic tac toe
Chicken Scratch NY

A round tree stump in a quiet place can make for the perfect DIY tic tac toe board. It also makes and adorable piece of yard art! You can do this with any rocks and play it on the porch or sidewalk! Let your kids get creative in their painting!

6. Backyard chess or checkers

diy backyard checkers or chess game

This game might take some planning – but consider planting herbs in the open spaces – then you’ve got an edible checkerboard for your garden! This is also a great place to play hopscotch, as well. Using glow-in-the-dark paint makes this a fun nighttime game, as well!

You can even do this with chalk on the back patio or driveway if you don’t want to do something permanent. Another option is to use rope to create the board! 

7. Giant pick up sticks

giant backyard pick up sticks
Nellie Bellie

This is an easy and cheap one! Get some dowels from your local hardware store, pain them with fun primary colors and let the kids have at it. 

8. DIY water pistol target shooting

diy water gun pistol target shooting

This will be a game that appeals to kids of all ages. A piece of wood with some small holes to fit some golf tees are all you need to get the game going. On each tee you can place a ping pong ball and then use water guns to knock them off. Let the competition begin! 

9. DIY backyard Jenga

diy jenga game
A Beautiful Mess

A few 2×4 wood pieces and some colorful paint are all  you need to create one of the most popular party games. 

10. Milk jug toss

milk jug toss
Lakeshore Learning

Using a one-gallon milk jug and some duct tape are the main components for this fun indoor or outdoor game for kids. The variation of colors makes it more appealing to the littlest catcher. The ball can simple be a ball of duct tape, or even newspaper covered with duct tape. Or, you can just use a small ball too. 

11. DIY obstacle course

diy obstacle course

This is a great skills game. It’s very physical and can be reconfigured in so many different ways. Makes an adventurer out of all of us! You want to make sure that you use a string that is thick enough to be able to easily climb over, and for added safety.

12. Glow in the Dark Bowling

glow in dark bowling DIY

One of my kids favorite games that can be played indoors our out. Add a glow stick to an empty plastic bottle and turn out the lights for a fun nighttime game. Use any kind of hand sized ball and let the competition begin. 

13. Glow in the Dark Ring Toss

nighttime ring toss

Another option for nighttime play that works indoors or out. Grab a package of glow sticks that you can bend into a circle and use a dowel or even a bottle as the piece to toss onto. Each kid can have their own color of glow stick for easy tracking! 

14. Pool noodle toss

diy pool noodle toss

This entire game can be done with pool noodles! Secure two to the ground and then create circles with a few others that will make up the center. Wrap each in a colored duct tape to add some fun to it. Use a frisbee or ball as the toss item. 

15. PVC ring toss

pvc pipe ring toss
Sowdering About

In this example DIY ring toss game we have a mix of PVC Pipe and pool noodles. But you can use wood in place of the PVC pipe if that is easier to cut and manage. The pool noodles can then be adhered to the wood and round pool noodles can be the ring toss items. 

Another option for ring toss is to use a vintage crate with soda bottles! It will require smaller rings which you can make from rope or the glow sticks in a smaller size. 

16. Giant lawn matching game

giant lawn matching game
Studio DIY

This is a fun one from concept to playing. Cut out cardboard or thick paper into squares and decorate them. There should be two squares that have the same imagery so they can be matched. Use stencils to help the kids create them. You can get the full tutorial on Studio DIY.

17. Giant DIY Bananagram

diy bananagram lawn game
Constantly Lovestruck

This fun one comes from Constantly Lovestruck. As a family of Bananagram lovers, one member created this giant version the whole family can play in the yard. Made from 12″x12″ cardstock, these are an easy project and DIY game everyone can enjoy.

18. DIY Twister board

DIY lawn twister game

If you love Twister, this is the DIY game for you! Take a piece of cardboard, cut out a circle that is about 12″-15″ in diameter to use as a template. Use a marking spray paint in different colors to create the circles. Marking paint will wash off easier than other paints! Let it dry – and have your fun! 

All of these games are meant to be inspiration. Use them as described or be creative with things you may have around your home or property. Remember, even in dark times, we can use some fun. If you are dealing with a rough time, don’t be afraid or feel guilty about spending a half-hour with the family to have some laughs. 

Tool Safety Tips for Kids

Rusty garden tools
Cindy Shebley – Rusty Garden Tools / Flickr

If your child will be helping you create any of the DIY games on this list, tools may be required. This guide will offer some basic tools safety tips kids should know and adhere to to keep them safe. 

25 Cinder Block Projects For Your Home

interior cinder block planters
Royal Design Studio

Explore 25 creative ways you can use cinder blocks in your home. From indoor furniture to outdoor grilling areas, there are limitless options for this sustainable decor. Kids will love helping you build – and paint these interesting pieces! 

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